Dynamics 365 and Power Platform Delivery Approach

The choice of a delivery methodology is not just a preference; it’s a strategic decision that shapes the trajectory of the entire project.

Choosing the Right Methodology

Embarking on a Dynamics 365 project without a well-defined methodology is akin to setting sail without a compass. In the realm of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, choosing a delivery methodology is not just a preference; it’s a strategic decision that shapes the trajectory of the entire project. Let’s delve into the why and how of selecting a methodology for your Dynamics 365 and Power Platform projects.

The Significance of Methodology

Understanding the pivotal role of methodology in Dynamics 365 projects is crucial before diving into the options. In this context, a methodology serves as a prescriptive guide, delineating activities to be executed throughout the project. It provides a structured approach, utilising various methods to ensure predictable outcomes. 

Choosing a methodology is akin to planning a journey; it’s the roadmap to success. It involves meticulous planning, understanding the route, avoiding pitfalls, optimising the path efficiently, and ultimately arriving at the destination without surprises.

The importance of a methodology lies in its ability to


Foster improved consistency and predictable outcomes

Clearly define project phases, milestones, deliverables, and entry/exit criteria

Establish roles and responsibilities, reducing the risk of critical activities being overlooked


Mitigate risks, ensuring a successful project outcome

Technology Constraints to Consider

When selecting a delivery methodology for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, it is crucial to consider the technological constraints associated with these platforms. The critical constraint is their primarily monolithic architecture.
They are massive, indivisible systems with interdependent components. This characteristic directly impacts the project’s execution, as changes to one module can drastically affect the whole system. This fact necessitates a careful, coordinated approach to implement changes safely and effectively.

Another challenge is the limited flexibility for customisation. While Dynamics 365 and Power Platform offer a range of built-in functionalities, they may not cater to all unique business requirements. Customisations that should be more consistent with the standard design can lead to complications in system maintainability and updates.

Also, integrating with other existing systems in the enterprise is pivotal to the project’s success. Seamless data sharing and processing between Dynamics 365, Power Platform, and other systems is essential for realising the maximum potential of these platforms.

Understanding these constraints is critical in the selection of methodology. The chosen approach must acknowledge these challenges, providing a well-defined structure to manage the project efficiently whilst fully leveraging the technology’s benefits.

Additionally, it’s essential to consider that Dynamics 365 and Power Platform are evergreen Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms. This trait means new features and updates are constantly added to the environment. While this ensures users have access to cutting-edge tools and functionalities, it also presents a unique set of challenges. Development and deployment processes must be agile and adaptable, as changes can occur mid-development, potentially affecting existing configurations and customisations. This necessitates continuous monitoring and testing to ensure that newly introduced features maintain the functionality and performance of the current solution. Understanding and planning for this evergreen nature is critical to consider in your delivery methodology.


Delivery Methodologies for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform

Waterfall Model

The Waterfall model represents a traditional, sequential approach to delivery. It follows a linear flow of activities from conception to maintenance. Phases include initiation, analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, operations, and maintenance. The approach is structured, clearly defining phases, milestones, and deliverables. However, in the modern cloud-centric world, the Waterfall model may align differently with the need for early stakeholder buy-in and quicker results.

Waterfall Model in Monolithic Architectures

The Waterfall model has its strengths when delivering solutions primarily based on a monolithic architecture. Its linear methodology allows for effective sequencing and prioritisation of technical tasks, which can be particularly beneficial given the intertwined nature of a monolithic system’s components. All aspects of development are planned out in advance, offering a clear roadmap to follow. This systematic approach can make managing large, complex projects more straightforward and reduces the likelihood of overlooking crucial elements.

However, there are trade-offs to consider with the Waterfall model. Incremental delivery, a key feature of modern delivery methodologies, is not feasible with this traditional approach. As such, stakeholders and sponsors may have to wait a significant time before they can realise any value from the project. This delay can impact project momentum and stakeholder engagement.

Moreover, the Waterfall model carries increased overall risk due to its limited flexibility to cater for evolving requirements. Once a phase is completed, revisiting it can be costly and time-consuming. In contrast, more agile methodologies allow for constant iterations and adjustments in response to changing needs, making them better suited to handle uncertainty and change. Therefore, while the Waterfall model can effectively manage monolithic architecture projects, it’s essential to weigh these considerations when deciding on the most suitable delivery methodology.

Agile Model

Agile development, while not a single methodology, encapsulates various Agile methodologies like Scrum, XP, DSDM, and Sure Step for Agile. The Scrum methodology, a popular Agile framework, involves fixed-duration sprints (typically 30 days), including requirements analysis, design, build, test, and user review. Agile is iterative and collaborative and focuses on releasing Software faster, gathering feedback, adapting, and releasing again. This approach is ideal when requirements are fluid or unknown before a sprint begins.

The Agile delivery model, while robust and flexible, presents unique challenges under conditions of unclear or constantly changing requirements—often termed as ‘moving goal posts’. It demands high adaptability but can lead to frequent refactoring of completed work, causing rework and reduced efficiency. This constant iteration can stretch project timelines and inflate costs.

Prioritising technical work within Agile environments can also be complex. The focus on delivering functional pieces of Software in short sprints often leaves little room for addressing technical debt, refactoring, or improving the system architecture. This can lead to a build-up of unresolved issues, compromising long-term project health and maintainability.

Finally, Agile necessitates a dedicated, suitably skilled Product Owner, a role crucial to the success of the Agile model. The Product Owner is tasked with understanding and communicating the vision, managing the product backlog, prioritising features, and liaising between stakeholders and the development team. Without a competent Product Owner, an Agile project can quickly lose direction, leading to unmet expectations and unsatisfactory results. Thus, Agile offers many advantages but requires careful management to mitigate these potential challenges.

​Hybrid Model (Wagile)

The Hybrid model, often called “Wagile,” combines both Waterfall and Agile approaches. It strives to integrate the strengths of both methodologies while mitigating their challenges, revealing a nuanced and strategic approach to project development. By embracing this dual framework, projects benefit from a well-defined structure in the initial stages and the flexibility to adapt to evolving requirements during the later phases.

In the early stages of a Wagile project, the Waterfall approach takes precedence. This involves meticulous planning, comprehensive specifications, and detailed design considerations established upfront. This deliberate and structured approach ensures a solid foundation for the project, providing clear direction and minimising ambiguity before the actual execution commences. This phase gives stakeholders a comprehensive understanding of the project scope and objectives.

The Wagile approach seamlessly shifts gears to Agile methodology as the project transitions to its later stages. The development process becomes iterative, incorporating frequent testing and feedback loops. This adaptability enables the project team to respond promptly to changing requirements and unforeseen challenges, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. The Agile phase emphasises collaboration, customer feedback, and the ability to make adjustments on the fly.

Advantages of the Wagile approach include the ability to adapt to changing project dynamics, respond to evolving requirements, and deliver incremental value throughout the project lifecycle. By combining Waterfall’s structured planning with Agile’s flexibility, teams can achieve a harmonious balance that caters to both predictability and adaptability.

However, executing a Hybrid model demands careful orchestration. It necessitates meticulous planning, transparent communication, and well-defined transition points between the Waterfall and Agile phases to ensure clarity and efficiency. The success of the Wagile approach lies in striking the right balance between structure and flexibility, leveraging the strengths of both Waterfall and Agile methodologies.

The Hybrid model becomes particularly relevant in the context of Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, characterised by monolithic architecture and evergreen SaaS offerings. The initial Waterfall phase ensures a thorough understanding of the project’s intricacies, aligning well with the structured nature of monolithic architectures. The subsequent Agile phase accommodates the dynamic nature of evergreen SaaS offerings, allowing for quick adaptations and seamlessly incorporating new features.

Navigating the Dynamics 365 Project Landscape

Once a delivery methodology for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform is chosen, the project journey begins, and navigating the landscape becomes paramount. The selected methodology serves as the compass guiding the team through the intricacies of development and deployment.

Comprehensive Planning

With any chosen methodology, the initial phase involves comprehensive planning. This is where the roadmap to success is charted, and every detail from project scope to resource allocation is outlined. In the case of monolithic architecture and evergreen SaaS offerings, a Hybrid or Wagile model acknowledges the need for structured planning in the early phase, recognizing that these complex environments demand a deliberate approach. Clear specifications and design details ensure a robust foundation before transitioning into the Agile phase, facilitating a seamless shift from a structured to a more adaptive process.

Evergreen Dynamics

The project landscape is dynamic for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, being evergreen SaaS platforms. New features and updates are continuously introduced and made available in environments, adding both opportunities and challenges. Navigating this landscape requires an Agile mindset even within the Waterfall phase. The team must be ready to adapt to changes mid-development, accommodating new functionalities seamlessly. Continuous monitoring and testing become integral, ensuring that the evolving nature of the platform does not disrupt existing configurations or customisations.

Stakeholder Engagement

Irrespective of the chosen methodology, stakeholder engagement remains a critical factor. Early stakeholder buy-in is especially crucial in the context of Dynamics 365 projects. The Waterfall phase allows for clear communication and understanding of project scope, which aids in gaining stakeholder confidence. Transitioning into the Agile phase emphasises collaboration and frequent feedback, ensuring stakeholders remain actively involved throughout the project lifecycle. This approach cultivates a sense of ownership and ensures that the delivered solution aligns closely with business needs.

Mitigating Risks

In a Dynamics 365 project, risk mitigation is a continuous process. The intricacies of monolithic architecture and evergreen SaaS updates demand a proactive approach to risk management. The Hybrid model inherently addresses risks by combining Waterfall’s structure with Agile’s adaptability. Careful planning, transparent communication, and defined transition points contribute to risk mitigation. Regular assessments and adjustments during the Agile phase further enhance the project’s resilience to unforeseen challenges.

Iterative Development

The Agile phase of the selected methodology introduces the concept of iterative development and continuous improvement. Navigating the Dynamics 365 landscape requires a mindset of adaptability and responsiveness. The team must be ready to iterate on solutions, incorporate feedback, and adjust. This iterative approach aligns well with the evergreen nature of Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, ensuring that the delivered solution remains relevant and efficient amid evolving business requirements.

Success By Design

For Dynamics 365 engagements, leveraging approaches like Dynamics Success By Design becomes a strategic advantage. “Success by Design” is a comprehensive framework and practice developed by Microsoft to guide project teams in successfully implementing Dynamics 365. Drawing from extensive experience gained through thousands of real-world customer projects, Success by Design encapsulates the collective knowledge and best practices acquired over years of Dynamics 365 implementation.

In the preliminary stage of any chosen methodology, meticulous planning lays the groundwork for project success, addressing critical aspects such as project scope and resource allocation. This planning is especially vital in projects dealing with the intricacies of monolithic architecture and the dynamic nature of evergreen Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms.

The relevance of a Hybrid or Wagile model becomes pronounced during the Waterfall phase of these hybrid approaches, placing a deliberate emphasis on structured planning. Here, clear specifications and design details are meticulously outlined to establish a robust foundation for the project. These specifications offer a detailed blueprint, minimizing ambiguity and reducing the risk of misunderstandings, while design details ensure technical alignment with the monolithic system and leverage the benefits of evergreen SaaS offerings.

This structured planning not only sets a clear direction for the project but also contributes to effective resource allocation, fostering collaboration and shared vision. Transitioning into the Agile phase is streamlined by the foundation laid during structured planning, enabling the Agile team to navigate development with comprehensive insight and facilitating increased adaptability, iterative development, and frequent testing—key elements of Agile methodologies.

In essence, comprehensive planning in the initial phase establishes a roadmap, minimizes risks, and optimizes resource utilization, crucial in the context of monolithic architecture and evergreen SaaS offerings, where a thoughtful Waterfall phase paves the way for a more agile and responsive development process in subsequent stages.


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